Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
Research article
13 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 13 Aug 2024

Simulated vibration characterization of the aero-turbine engine vibration isolation system under broadband random excitation

Huawen Peng, Bo Zou, Jingyun Yang, Rong Fu, Xingwu Ding, Da Zhang, and Guangfu Bin


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Short summary
This study explores the actual demand of wide-frequency vibration isolation and low-frequency shock resistance of a vibration isolation system for complex external excitation of the aircraft turboprop engine. The performance of a type of turbo-propeller engine vibration isolation system at a 1.5–2000 Hz vibration frequency is investigated by combining simulation and experimental research.  It provides the test basis and idea for the optimization of the aero-engine vibration isolation system.